Tree Care

If you purchase your tree before temperatures drop enough to make the trees dormant for the winter use caution while caring for your tree.

Here are a couple of tips to help maintain your tree through the Christmas season:

If you are not putting the tree up right away, store it in an unheated garage or some other area out of the wind but cold (freezing) temperatures.

Make a fresh one inch cut on the butt end and place the tree in a bucket of water.

When you decide to bring the tree indoors, cutting an extra inch off the bottom of your tree at a slight angle before mounting will greatly help water absorption and ensure your tree lasts as long as possible. Be sure to make this final cut just before placing it in water. 

Be sure to use a stand that fits your tree, or get a tree that fits your stand. Do not taper or shave the bark around the base of your tree to make it fit a stand that is too small. This will kill your tree very fast.

If it is exposed to the air for too long, the vessels will become blocked with resin and the tree can not absorb water.

Be sure the tree stand has been thoroughly cleaned to prevent mold, bacteria, etc that could kill the tree.

Commercially prepared mixes; aspirin; sugar and other additives are not necessary. Research has shown that plain water will keep a tree fresh.

Place the tree in a sturdy stand that holds at least one gallon of water, or a rule of thumb is one quart of water for every inch of trunk diameter.

Make sure the tree is mounted securely in its stand and that the tree itself is positioned away from open flames or heat sources which may dry it out prematurely.

A properly maintained Christmas tree is not a particular fire hazard, but common sense is important too.  Candles or open-flame ornaments of any kind should never be used. 

Check strings of lights to ensure that the bulbs are working properly, that the cords are not frayed and that the connections are secure.  Discard any that look questionable and replace with new strings.  Use UL approved electrical decorations and cords. Miniature lights produce less heat and reduce the drying effect on the tree. Unplug tree lights at night. Never leave lights on when no one is at home.

Take down the tree before it dries out. Many fresh cut trees if properly cared for will last at least five weeks before drying out.